Free Ken Middleton

Cliff Middleton Letter


Dear Reader,

My father Ken married my stepmother Kathy when I was five years old. I was twenty when this tragedy occurred. Kathy was a wonderful stepmother and I loved her very much. She was always very good to me. I have many memories of water-skiing at Bull Shoals Lake and weekends at the home place in Arkansas. She was loved and is still missed by my father and I, as well as our whole family.

The tragic death of Kathy on Feb 12, 1990 devastated our whole family. But the injustice that followed has made us angry and bitter. If the evidence showed my father did this I would not have spent my entire adult life working to exonerate him. I do believe in justice and punishment if the evidence is proven. After serving 14 years of a life without parole sentence, my father was offered his freedom and immediate release IF he would plead no contest via an Alford Plea… and he refused! What guilty man would have turned down his freedom?

Please take the time to contact Governor Blunt and request a full pardon for my father. Please help end this injustice.


Cliff Middleton